Overview of an audio book production
When an audiobook is to be produced, the request is made in our system. Here the manuscript, metadata and other essential information is uploaded, and a deadline is set. Our kind producers will guide you through each step in the process.
The right narrator is essential for catching the essence of the audio book. In corporation with one of our producers, we will find the perfect voice fitting the books genre, mood, and target group so you are assured the right voice to bring your story to life and engage your listeners.
The narrator gets the manuscript and reads it through to get a sense of how the audiobook may sound. The narrator either narrates in one of our top professional studios, or record in their own home studios. They narrate, fixes small errors, and rerecords if they find errors later in the process. Their goal is to make as clean and complete recording as possible.
The narration is now sent to a proof listener. They go through the whole audiobook and listens for mistakes and errors in sound, tempo, and pronunciation. A sound engineer goes through the recording to adjust changes in sound level, noise in the recording and other minor edits.
Manuscript adjustments, errors from first narration and other recording changes are done by the narrator. The sound engineer mixes the corrections in the right places and goes through the recording in its whole.
The sound engineer makes final adjustments, ensures that the final production sounds professional and lives up to our high standards.
The final audio book can now be sent to the desired audio book service and is ready for publishing.