From The Ugly Duckling to the beautifull Swann
In 1983 a little Ugly Duckling was born. It decided to record audio books so people who could not read regular books, could enjoy the wonderful worlds and tales they presented. The publishers loved this idea, and soon The Ugly Duckling started to grow. More publishers started to come to the Ugly Duckling for audiobooks, because they knew the duckling had the best recording equipment and tecknique to porduce audiobooks of the highest standard. The Ugly Duckling made sure its audio books were accessible at the libraries, so even more people could take part in the wonderful books published. The public loved it and the demand grew. As time went by and technology advanced, The Ugly Duckling followed suit to stay ahead of the competitors as the best in the industry. From cassette tapes to CD’s and digital files, The Ugly Duckling continued to work hard on his audio books.
The Ugly Duckling was a smart one. Not only did he produce the best audio books he also experimented with new recordingtechniques and he expanded his work out in the world. He used other technology to his advantage and made it much easier for the narrators to record. Futher more, the narrators became more involved in the process and loved working with The Ugly Duckling even more. Over the years The Ugly Duckling produced more than 30.000 audiobooks, captivating people all over the world.
One day The Ugly Duckling looked in the mirror and saw he had grown so much over the years. So much so he could hardly even recognise himself. In the mirror he no longer saw an ugly duckling, he saw a beautiful Swann. He decided to change his name to represent who he was now. The beautiful Swann decided he wanted to work even more with other sides of the bookindustry. He wanted to translate and publish them as e-books along with his audiobooks as one solution, the first in the world. What the Swann will adventure with next, only he knows.